Anatidae - Swans, Geese, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, n
Fulvous Whistling-Duck *
Greater White-fronted Goose
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Brant *
Cackling Goose *
Minima (minima) form
Taverner's (taverneri) form
Richardson's (hutchinsii) form
Canada Goose, n
Giant (maxima) form
Large (moffitti) form, n
Lesser (parvipes) form
Trumpeter Swan *
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck, n
Gadwall, n
Eurasian Wigeon #
American Wigeon, n
Mallard, n
Northern (platyrhynchos) form, n
Mexican (diazi) form, n
Blue-winged Teal, n
Cinnamon Teal, n
Northern Shoveler, n
Northern Pintail, n
Garganey *
Green-winged Teal, n
Eurasian (crecca) form *
American (carolinensis) form, n
Canvasback, n
Redhead, n
Ring-necked Duck, n
Tufted Duck *
Greater Scaup #
Lesser Scaup
Harlequin Duck *
Surf Scoter #
White-winged Scoter #
Black Scoter *
Long-tailed Duck #
Common Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye #
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser, n
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck, n
Odontophoridae - Quail
Scaled Quail, n
California Quail, n (int)
Gambel's Quail, n
Northern Bobwhite (Masked), n (ex)
Montezuma Quail, n
Phasianidae - Partridges, Grouse,
and Turkey
Chukar, n (int)
Ring-necked Pheasant, n (int)
Dusky Grouse, n
Wild Turkey, n
Gaviidae - Loons
Red-throated Loon *
Pacific Loon #
Common Loon
Yellow-billed Loon *
Podicipedidae - Grebes
Least Grebe *, n
Pied-billed Grebe, n
Horned Grebe #
Red-necked Grebe *
Eared Grebe, n
Western Grebe, n
Clark's Grebe, n
Diomedeidae - Albatrosses
Laysan Albatross *
Procellariidae - Shearwaters
Sooty Shearwater *
Hydrobatidae - Storm-Petrels
[Leach’s Storm-Petrel] *
Black Storm-Petrel *
Least Storm-Petrel *
Phaethontidae - Tropicbirds
White-tailed Tropicbird *
Red-billed Tropicbird *
Sulidae - Boobies
Blue-footed Booby *
Brown Booby *
Pelecanidae - Pelicans
American White Pelican
Brown Pelican
Phalacrocoracidae - Cormorants
Neotropic Cormorant, n
Double-crested Cormorant, n
Anhingidae - Anhinga
Anhinga *
Fregatidae - Frigatebirds
Magnificent Frigatebird *
Ardeidae - Bitterns, Herons,
and Egrets
American Bittern, n
Least Bittern, n
Great Blue Heron, n
Great Egret, n
Snowy Egret, n
Little Blue Heron #
Tricolored Heron #
Reddish Egret *
Cattle Egret, n
Green Heron, n
Black-crowned Night-Heron, n
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron *
Threskiornithidae - Ibises
and Spoonbills
White Ibis *
Glossy Ibis *
White-faced Ibis, n
Roseate Spoonbill*
Ciconiidae - Storks
Wood Stork *
Cathartidae - New World Vultures
Black Vulture, n
Turkey Vulture, n
California Condor, n (ex)
Accipitridae - Kites, Eagles,
and Hawks
Osprey, n
[Swallow-tailed Kite] *
White-tailed Kite, n
Mississippi Kite, n
Bald Eagle, n
Northern Harrier, n
Sharp-shinned Hawk, n
Cooper's Hawk, n
Northern Goshawk, n
Common Black-Hawk, n
Harris's Hawk, n
Red-shouldered Hawk *, n
Broad-winged Hawk *
Gray Hawk, n
Short-tailed Hawk *, n
Swainson's Hawk, n
White-tailed Hawk *
Zone-tailed Hawk, n
Red-tailed Hawk, n
Western (calurus) form, n
Harlan’s (harlani) form #
Krider's (kriderii) form
Fuertes's (fuertesi) form, n
Ferruginous Hawk, n
Rough-legged Hawk #
Golden Eagle, n
Falconidae - Caracaras and Falcons
Crested Caracara, n
American Kestrel, n
Taiga (columbarius) form
Prairie (richardsoni) form
Black (suckleyi) form
Aplomado Falcon *, n (ex)
Peregrine Falcon, n
Continental (anatum) form, n
Tundra (tundrius) form
Prairie Falcon, n
Rallidae - Rails, Gallinules, and Coots
Black Rail, n
Clapper Rail (Yuma), n
Virginia Rail, n
Sora, n
Purple Gallinule *
Common Moorhen, n
American Coot, n
Gruidae - Cranes
Sandhill Crane, n
Lesser (canadensis) form
Greater (tabida) form, n
Charadriidae - Plovers
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover *
Pacific Golden-Plover *
Snowy Plover, n
Semipalmated Plover
Killdeer, n
Mountain Plover, n
Recurvirostridae - Stilts and Avocets
Black-necked Stilt, n
American Avocet, n
Jacanidae - Jacanas
Northern Jacana *
Scolopacidae - Sandpipers,
Phalaropes, and Allies
Spotted Sandpiper, n
Solitary Sandpiper
Wandering Tattler *
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Upland Sandpiper *
Whimbrel #
Long-billed Curlew, n
Hudsonian Godwit *
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone *
Black Turnstone *
Red Knot *
Semipalmated Sandpiper #
Western Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper *
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper *
Stilt Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper *
Ruff *
Short-billed Dowitcher #
Long-billed Dowitcher
Wilson’s Snipe, n
Wilson's Phalarope, n
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope #
Laridae - Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Black-legged Kittiwake *
Sabine's Gull #
Bonaparte's Gull
Laughing Gull *
Franklin's Gull
Heermann's Gull #
Mew Gull *
Ring-billed Gull
Western Gull *
Yellow-footed Gull *
California Gull
Herring Gull #
Thayer's Gull *
Lesser Black-backed Gull *
Glaucous-winged Gull *
Glaucous Gull *
Least Tern #, n
Gull-billed Tern *
Caspian Tern
Black Tern
Common Tern
Arctic Tern *
Forster's Tern
Royal Tern *
Elegant Tern *
Black Skimmer *
Stercorariidae - Jaegers
Pomarine Jaeger *
Parasitic Jaeger *
Long-tailed Jaeger *
Columbidae - Pigeons and Doves
Rock Pigeon, n (int)
Band-tailed Pigeon, n
Eurasian Collared-Dove, n (int)
White-winged Dove, n
Mourning Dove, n
Inca Dove, n
Common Ground-Dove, n
Ruddy Ground-Dove #, n
Psittacidae - Parrots
Thick-billed Parrot, n (ex) *
Cuculidae - Cuckoos, Roadrunners,
and Anis
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, n
Black-billed Cuckoo *
Greater Roadrunner, n
Groove-billed Ani *
Tytonidae - Barn Owls
Barn Owl, n
Strigidae - Typical Owls
Flammulated Owl, n
Western Screech-Owl, n
Whiskered Screech-Owl, n
Great Horned Owl, n
Northern Pygmy-Owl, n
Rocky Mts. (pinicola) form, n
Mountain (gnoma) form, n
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl #, n
Elf Owl, n
Burrowing Owl, n
Spotted Owl, n
Long-eared Owl, n
Short-eared Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl, n
Caprimulgidae - Nighthawks
and Nightjars
Lesser Nighthawk, n
Common Nighthawk, n
Common Poorwill, n
Buff-collared Nightjar *, n
Whip-poor-will, n
Mexican (arizonae) form, n
Eastern (vociferus) form *
Apodidae - Swifts
[Black Swift] *
Chimney Swift *
Vaux's Swift
White-throated Swift, n
Trochilidae - Hummingbirds
Broad-billed Hummingbird, n
White-eared Hummingbird #, n
Berylline Hummingbird #, n
Cinnamon Hummingbird *
Violet-crowned Hummingbird, n
Blue-throated Hummingbird, n
Magnificent Hummingbird, n
Plain-capped Starthroat *
Lucifer Hummingbird #, n
Ruby-throated Hummingbird *
Black-chinned Hummingbird, n
Anna's Hummingbird, n
Costa's Hummingbird, n
Calliope Hummingbird
Bumblebee Hummingbird *
Broad-tailed Hummingbird, n
Rufous Hummingbird
Allen's Hummingbird #
Trogonidae - Trogons
Elegant Trogon, n
Eared Quetzal *, n
Alcedinidae - Kingfishers
Belted Kingfisher, n
Green Kingfisher, n
Picidae - Woodpeckers
Lewis's Woodpecker, n
Red-headed Woodpecker *
Acorn Woodpecker, n
Gila Woodpecker, n
Williamson's Sapsucker, n
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker #
Red-naped Sapsucker, n
Red-breasted Sapsucker *
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, n
Downy Woodpecker, n
Hairy Woodpecker, n
Arizona Woodpecker, n
American Three-toed Woodpecker, n
Northern Flicker, n
Yellow-shafted (auratus) form
Red-shafted (cafer) form, n
Gilded Flicker, n
Tyrannidae - Tyrant Flycatchers
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, n
Tufted Flycatcher *
Olive-sided Flycatcher, n
Greater Pewee, n
Western Wood-Pewee, n
Eastern Wood-Pewee *
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher *
Acadian Flycatcher *
Willow Flycatcher, n
Least Flycatcher *
Hammond's Flycatcher, n
Gray Flycatcher, n
Dusky Flycatcher, n
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Cordilleran Flycatcher, n
Buff-breasted Flycatcher, n
Black Phoebe, n
Eastern Phoebe #
Say's Phoebe, n
Vermilion Flycatcher, n
Dusky-capped Flycatcher, n
Ash-throated Flycatcher, n
Nutting's Flycatcher *
Great Crested Flycatcher *
Brown-crested Flycatcher, n
Great Kiskadee *
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, n
Tropical Kingbird, n
Couch's Kingbird *
Cassin's Kingbird, n
Thick-billed Kingbird, n
Western Kingbird, n
Eastern Kingbird #
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher #
Incertae Sedis
Rose-throated Becard *, n
Laniidae - Shrikes
Loggerhead Shrike, n
Northern Shrike #
Vireonidae - Vireos
White-eyed Vireo *
Bell's Vireo, n
[Black-capped Vireo] *
Gray Vireo, n
Yellow-throated Vireo *
Plumbeous Vireo, n
Cassin’s Vireo
[Blue-headed Vireo] *
Hutton's Vireo, n
Warbling Vireo, n
Philadelphia Vireo *
Red-eyed Vireo *
Yellow-green Vireo *
Corvidae - Jays, Magpies, Crows,
and Ravens
Gray Jay, n
Steller's Jay, n
Blue Jay *
Western Scrub-Jay, n
Mexican Jay, n
Pinyon Jay, n
Clark's Nutcracker, n
Black-billed Magpie, n
American Crow, n
Chihuahuan Raven, n
Common Raven, n
Alaudidae - Larks
Horned Lark, n
Hirundinidae - Swallows
Purple Martin, n
Northern (arboricola) form, n
Desert (hesperia) form, n
Brown-chested Martin *
Tree Swallow, n
Violet-green Swallow, n
Northern Rough-winged Swallow, n
Bank Swallow
Cliff Swallow, n
Northern (pyrrhonota) group, n
Southwestern (swainsoni) form, n
Cave Swallow *, n
Barn Swallow, n
Paridae - Chickadees and Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee *
Mountain Chickadee, n
Mexican Chickadee, n
Bridled Titmouse, n
Juniper Titmouse, n
Remizidae - Verdins
Verdin, n
Aegithalidae - Bushtits
Bushtit, n
Sittidae - Nuthatches
Red-breasted Nuthatch, n
White-breasted Nuthatch, n
Pygmy Nuthatch, n
Certhiidae - Creepers
Brown Creeper, n
Troglodytidae - Wrens
Cactus Wren, n
Rock Wren, n
Canyon Wren, n
Sinaloa Wren *
Carolina Wren *
Bewick's Wren, n
House Wren, n
Northern (aedon) group, n
Brown-throated (brunneicollis) form, n
Winter Wren, n
Western (pacificus) form #, n
Eastern (hiemalis) form *
Marsh Wren, n
Cinclidae - Dippers
American Dipper, n
Regulidae - Kinglets
Golden-crowned Kinglet, n
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, n
Sylviidae - Gnatcatchers
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, n
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, n
Black-capped Gnatcatcher *, n
Turdidae - Thrushes
Northern Wheatear *
Eastern Bluebird, n
Western Bluebird, n
Mountain Bluebird, n
Townsend's Solitaire, n
Veery *, n
Gray-cheeked Thrush *
Swainson's Thrush, n
Russet-backed (ustulatus) group
Olive-backed (swainsoni) group, n
Hermit Thrush, n
Wood Thrush *
Rufous-backed Robin #
American Robin, n
Varied Thrush #
Aztec Thrush *
Mimidae - Catbirds, Mockingbirds,
and Thrashers
Gray Catbird #, n
Northern Mockingbird, n
Sage Thrasher, n
Brown Thrasher #
Bendire's Thrasher, n
Curve-billed Thrasher, n
Crissal Thrasher, n
Le Conte's Thrasher, n
Blue Mockingbird *
Sturnidae - Starlings
European Starling, n (int)
Motacillidae - Wagtails and Pipits
White Wagtail *
Red-throated Pipit *
American Pipit, n
Sprague's Pipit
Bombycillidae - Waxwings
Bohemian Waxwing *
Cedar Waxwing
Ptilogonatidae - Silky-flycatchers
Phainopepla, n
Peucedramidae - Olive Warbler
Olive Warbler, n
Parulidae - Wood Warblers
Blue-winged Warbler *
Golden-winged Warbler *
Tennessee Warbler *
Orange-crowned Warbler, n
Celata (celata) form *
Orestera (orestera) form, n
Lutescens (lutescens) form
Nashville Warbler
Virginia's Warbler, n
Lucy's Warbler, n
Crescent-chested Warbler *, n
Northern Parula, n
Tropical Parula *
Yellow Warbler, n
Northern (aestiva) group, n
Mangrove (erithachorides) form *
Chestnut-sided Warbler #
Magnolia Warbler *
Cape May Warbler *
Black-throated Blue Warbler #
Yellow-rumped Warbler, n
Audubon's (auduboni) form, n
Myrtle (coronata) form
Black-throated Gray Warbler, n
Black-throated Green Warbler *
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler *
Yellow-throated Warbler *
Grace's Warbler, n
Pine Warbler *
Prairie Warbler *
Palm Warbler *
Bay-breasted Warbler *
Blackpoll Warbler *
Cerulean Warbler *
Black-and-white Warbler, n
American Redstart, n
Prothonotary Warbler #
Worm-eating Warbler *
Swainson's Warbler *
Ovenbird #
Northern Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush #
Kentucky Warbler *
Connecticut Warbler *
Mourning Warbler *
MacGillivray's Warbler, n
Common Yellowthroat, n
Hooded Warbler #
Wilson's Warbler
Mountain West (pileolata) form
Pacific Coast (chryseola) form
Canada Warbler *
Red-faced Warbler, n
Painted Redstart, n
Slate-throated Redstart *
Fan-tailed Warbler *
Rufous-capped Warbler *, n
Yellow-breasted Chat, n
Thraupidae - Tanagers
Hepatic Tanager, n
Summer Tanager, n
Scarlet Tanager *
Western Tanager, n
Flame-colored Tanager *, n
Emberizidae - Emberizine Finches
Green-tailed Towhee, n
Spotted Towhee, n
Pacific (oregonus) group
Rocky Mts. (montanus) group, n
Eastern Towhee *
Canyon Towhee, n
Abert's Towhee, n
Rufous-winged Sparrow, n
Cassin's Sparrow, n
Botteri's Sparrow, n
Rufous-crowned Sparrow, n
Five-striped Sparrow, n
American Tree Sparrow *
Chipping Sparrow, n
Clay-colored Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow, n
Field Sparrow *
Black-chinned Sparrow, n
Vesper Sparrow, n
Lark Sparrow, n
Black-throated Sparrow, n
Sage Sparrow, n
Lark Bunting, n
Savannah Sparrow, n
Western (nevadensis) group, n
Large-billed (rostratus) form *
Grasshopper Sparrow, n
Western (perpallidus) form, n
Arizona (ammolegus) form, n
Baird's Sparrow
Le Conte's Sparrow *
Nelson's Sparrow *
Fox Sparrow
Red (iliaca) group *
Slate-colored (schistacea) group
Sooty (unalaschcensis) group *
Thick-billed (megarhyncha) group *
Song Sparrow, n
Lincoln's Sparrow, n
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow #
White-crowned Sparrow, n
Gambel's (gambelii) form
Mountain (oriantha) form, n
Golden-crowned Sparrow #
Dark-eyed Junco, n
Pink-sided (mearnsi) form
White-winged (aikeni) form *
Slate-colored (hyemalis) form
Gray-headed (caniceps) form, n
Red-backed (dorsalis) form, n
Yellow-eyed Junco, n
McCown's Longspur #
Lapland Longspur *
Smith's Longspur *
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Snow Bunting *
Cardinalidae - Cardinals, Grosbeaks,
and Buntings
Northern Cardinal, n
Pyrrhuloxia, n
Yellow Grosbeak *
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak, n
Blue Grosbeak, n
Lazuli Bunting, n
Indigo Bunting, n
Varied Bunting, n
Painted Bunting #
Dickcissel #
Icteridae - Icterids
Bobolink *, n
Red-winged Blackbird, n
Eastern Meadowlark (Lilian's), n
Western Meadowlark, n
Yellow-headed Blackbird, n
Rusty Blackbird *
Brewer's Blackbird, n
Common Grackle *
Great-tailed Grackle, n
Bronzed Cowbird, n
Brown-headed Cowbird, n
Black-vented Oriole *
Orchard Oriole *
Hooded Oriole, n
Eastern (cucullatus Group), *
Western (nelsoni Group), n
Streak-backed Oriole *, n
Bullock’s Oriole, n
Baltimore Oriole *
Scott's Oriole, n
Fringillidae - Finches and Goldfinches
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch *
Black Rosy-Finch *
Pine Grosbeak, n
Purple Finch *
Cassin's Finch, n
House Finch, n
Red Crossbill, n
Pine Siskin, n
Lesser Goldfinch, n
Lawrence's Goldfinch, n
American Goldfinch, n
Evening Grosbeak, n
Passeridae - Old World Sparrows
House Sparrow, n (int)