Arizona Field Ornithologists
11th Annual Meeting
Cottonwood, October 20-22, 2017
Call for Papers and Posters
Oral presentations for the meeting will be allotted 15 minutes, with an additional five-minute period for questions. Papers may range from technical reports of original research to general surveys and studies.
Poster presentations are also encouraged; size should be no larger than 36” H x 48” W. For your convenience in preparing a poster presentation see tips (PDF document) and a template plus more tips here. Display boards will be furnished, and a time will be scheduled for participants to view the posters and ask questions.
For your paper or poster for the Saturday session to be considered please submit abstracts containing the following:
TITLE (in all capital letters) of no more than 20 words
Names and addresses of author(s) in the following form:
Oriole, R. U.
Wherever, AZ 85555
Body of abstract as one single-spaced paragraph, not to exceed 250 words.
Include E-mail address and/or phone number of presenting author(s).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 September 2017. Please send your abstract to Jennie Macfarland at by 1 September. All abstract submissions will be acknowledged within a week of receipt. The accepted abstracts will be distributed at the meeting and published on the AZFO website.