If you find our website informative, enjoy our educational field expeditions and workshops and believe in our mission statement, we strongly encourage you to support us by becoming an active member. The more active members we have, the stronger AZFO will become and the more endeavors we can pursue. Read about the benefits your dues and
contributions support here.
Members only will have one vote in elections of officers and other members of the board of directors and all matters covered in annual AZFO meetings/conferences. Additional members-only items will be added as the organization progresses.
Memberships are for a 12-month period, renewable in January.
Members are encouraged to renew their membership every January to stay current on upcoming activities and important updates on species, habitats, and populations. New members that join in the last quarter of the year will be current through December of the following year. Membership dues are set at the following rates:
- Regular - $25.00
- Student - $15.00
- Organization - $50.00 (i.e. museums, libraries, universities, etc.)
- Family - $35.00
Join AZFO Online now, it's easy and secure!
Make a tax deductible charitable donation to AZFO
Click HERE to make a donation (via PayPal) |
Or continue to support AZFO and keep your membership current by completing the membership form (printable PDF) and sending your tax-deductible membership dues to the address at the bottom of the form, thank you!