You know when something has reached a high level of acceptability when the noun is also being used as a verb. To eBird! eBird has been revolutionizing how we bird and how our checklists are being used for conservation for about a decade now. Many AZFO members and non-members alike use eBird in Arizona. This workshop is styled for birders who want to get the most out of their eBird experience, both as contributors and as users. Ian Davies, the Project Coordinator for eBird, will give a workshop on: learning the ins-and-outs of using eBird to your greatest benefit
Answer questions on
Bring your list of questions!
Field trip- We will have a brief field trip to a nearby natural area to take observations, and then reconvene at the hotel to dig into all of the details. The field trip meeting location and time will be announced at the meeting. What to Bring- To maximize what you get out of the workshop, please bring your smart phone, tablet, or laptop so you can practice what Ian is demonstrating. This won’t be absolutely necessary, because there will be projected demonstrations. But you will want to experiment with your personal eBird account with Ian right there giving tips. (a power cord might be a good idea too). Workshop Cost- Free to meeting participants Registration- Register for the workshop when you register for the 2017 AZFO Meeting Date and Time- Sunday October 22th 6:30 AM- Field Trip 8:00 AM- Classroom Location- Meet at Quality Inn lobby at 6:30 AM for fieldtrip portion of workshop.
*eBird workshop made possible by the generous support of Maricopa Audubon Society
Ian Davies, Project Coordinator for eBird Ian works at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology as the Project Coordinator for eBird (ebird.org), a free global database of bird sightings that is used by birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide. More than 410 million sightings of birds from every country on earth are available for free through eBird. Ian got interested in birds at age 13 at a banding station in Manomet, Massachusetts when he held and released a Canada Warbler. He has been lost to the feathered world ever since. He enjoys traveling to find birds, making sure to eBird what he finds. He has visited more than 35 countries in the pursuit of birds so far, and looks forward to continuing to explore the incredible natural world that we all share.