Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicaria), Cochise
Lake (aka Twin Lakes), Willcox,
Cochise County
This Red Phalarope was found and photographed on 08
January 2008 by Homer Hansen. Red Phalarope is a casual
transient at ponds, lakes, and rivers from western to
southeastern Arizona, with most records occurring during
the late fall. As the most pelagic of the three
phalarope species, it is the least likely to be observed
inland but is the most likely phalarope to be observed
during late fall and early winter. This individual was
observed concurrent with observations of two other Red
Phalaropes at Whitewater Draw.
This Red Phalarope is in basic (nonbreeding) plumage
and is distinguished from the similar Red-necked
Phalarope by the heavier bill with pale coloration at
the base. In basic plumage the Red Phalarope also lacks
the white fringes to the mantle and scapular feathers
that are visible on the Red-necked Phalarope.
Red Phalarope is an ABC sketch details species.
The ABC and North American Birds
editors request that minimal (sketch) details of
sightings of these species be turned in for the sighting
to be included in the NAB seasonal report, and for that
sighting to be considered "official" with regard to the
records keeping for the state. Sketch details should
include a brief description of the bird and
circumstances surrounding the sighting. Sketch details
can be sent to the NAB regional editors: Gary Rosenberg
(ghrosenberg AT or Mark Stevenson (drbrdr

8 January 2008 photos by Homer Hansen