Least Tern (Sternula antillarum), Gilbert Water Ranch, Maricopa County
As a group, inland-nesting Least Terns have declined in numbers in recent decades. Prior to 1990, Least Tern was a very rare migrant across southern Arizona in spring and summer, with only about 10 records total statewide. By 1993 that number had nearly doubled and now they are found in small numbers every year with at least a dozen in 2003 alone. The majority of these sightings have been in SE AZ. The reasons for this increased rate of occurrence remain uncertain as does the destination of these migrants. Least Tern is listed as a sketch details species by the Arizona Bird Committee. A Least Tern was present at the Gilbert Water Ranch from 4-6 May in 2006. http://www.azfo.org/gallery/leastTernGilbert.html

27 May 20067 photo by Bob Witzeman